3. 针灸



Acupuncture is a 3000 years old healing technique of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a form of alternative medicine and key component in which thin needles are inserted into the body, most often used to attempt “pain relief”.

Acupuncture is a pseudoscience as its theories and practices are not based on scientific knowledge, even though it has been researched extensively. In 2013, almost 1,500 randomly controlled trials on PubMed (free search engine accessing primarily the MEDICINE database of references and abstracts on life science and biomedical topics) with acupuncture in the title.

Despite without Scientific investigation found for histological or physiological evidence for traditional Chinese concept for “Meridians” and “Acupuncture Points”, acupuncture is heavily practised in China and it is popular in the United States, Australia and Europe. In Switzerland, acupuncture becomes the MOST FREQUENT used alternative medicine since 2004. (Source: Swiss Medical Weekly 143. W13756)

There are at least 28 countries in Europe have professional associations for acupuncturist. In France, the Academic Nationale de Medicine (National Academy of Medicine) has regulated acupuncture since 1955. Acupuncture is widely used in most pain clinics and hospices in the United Kingdom.