21. 小孩保健
小孩保健针对提高小孩的免疫力, 利用食疗,天然药材,或是小儿推拿进行保健, 还可以保证小儿气血充盈,饮食不偏,食欲旺盛、发育正常等。比如, 在中医基础理论的指导下,小儿推拿广泛应用于消化系统小儿泄泻、呕吐、食积、厌食、便秘、腹痛、脱肛、感冒、咳嗽、哮喘、发热、遗尿、夜啼、肌性斜颈、落枕、惊风等疾病,有较好的效果。
癫痫 (羊癫疯),小儿多动症,考试紧张综合征等的, 都可以利用学位刺激, 按摩,中药配合, 都有很好的效果。
Baby & Kid Healthcare
‘Babies are our treasures, their health are our concern.’
Baby and kid healthcare is aimed at improving children’s immunity, through food diet, natural medicine, or baby massage and to ensure children’s qi and blood are circulate well, appetite is strong, and the development of brain and body growth are normal.
For example, baby massage is widely used to treat digestive system problem such as diarrhea, vomiting, food accumulation, anorexia, constipation, abdominal pain, prolapse, cold, cough, asthma, fever, enuresis, night crying, torticollis ,wind shock, and etc shown significant effect.
Epilepsy , children with ADHD, exam stress syndrome benefits from baby and kid healthcare services as well.
In addition, it can stabilize irritable and impatient emotions, allow better emotional control thus children are ready to cope with the rapidly changing, and stressful environments.