

怀孕, 产前至产后身体会产生很大的变化, 体重逐渐上升, 荷尔蒙的变化,肌肉骨骼慢慢负荷加重等,  让孕妇面必须适应身体不同的改变。

物理治疗不但可以帮助你预防或舒缓不适, 亦可以增加顺利生产的机会。

常见的产前症状: 腰酸背痛, 坐骨神经痛,尿频, 耻骨痛, 腕管综合征,疲惫,妊娠糖尿,高血压等等的风险。


  1. 增加肺活量, 让孕期更轻松
  2. 增加腹部, 骨盆肌肉, 承托胀大的子宫保护胎儿成长
  3. 学会分娩期的呼吸方法, 帮助顺产
  4. 促进血液循环,刺激肠道蠕动,预防便秘
  5. 增加骨盆肌肉, 预防尿失禁
  6. 增加新城代谢, 稳定体重, 防止妊娠糖尿和高血压

常见的产后症状: 妈妈手,腕管综合征,肩颈僵硬, 腹直肌分离, 失禁等等问题都可以通过Acuphysio 来解决。

一般产前运动可於怀孕16-29周时开始, 轻量的运动, 呼吸方法和增加骨盆肌肉训练可进行至分娩时。 顺产4-6周或剖腹6-8周可进行产后锻炼。


‘I grow human, what’s your superpower?’

During the wonderful process of pregnancy, mother’s body will undergo major changes. Weight gradually increases, hormone changes, musculoskeletal load gradually increase,and  etc., pregnant women need to adapt with different changes in the body. Physical therapy can not only effectively prevent and relieve discomfort, but also increase the chance of smooth delivey.

Common prenatal symptoms: low back pain, sciatica, frequent urination, pubic pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, fatigue, diabetes in pregnancy, hypertension, etc.

In order to restore pre-pregnancy figure as quickly as possible, the physiotherapist will perform a relatively gentle, simple bed exercise, so that the postpartum mother can exercise under physical stress and help the wound heal.

Common postpartum symptoms: De Quervain’s yndrome, stiff neck and shoulders, weakness in upper and lower limbs, separation of rectus abdominis, incontinence, etc.

Benefits of prenatal exercise:

  1. Increase vital capacity to make pregnancy easier.
  2. Increase abdomen, pelvic muscles, support the enlarged uterus to protect the growth of the fetus
  3. Learn the breathing methods used during childbirth
  4. Promote blood circulation, stimulate intestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation
  5. Strengthen pelvic muscles to prevent incontinence
  6. Increase metabolism, prevent pregnancy diabetes, hypertension and other problems

General exercise can be started from 16-20 weeks of pregnancy. Light exercise, breathing methods and pelvic floor muscle training can be practiced until delivery. Physical therapy exercises can be performed 4-6 weeks after delivery, or 6-8 weeks after cesarean section.